Zwei LCA-Mitarbeiter stehen vor einer automatischen Rundtaktanlage.
Lean Customized Automation –
Individual solutions from
LCA Automation AG
Zwei LCA-Mitarbeiter stehen inmitten einer Rundtaktanlage.
custom built machines
for highest

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Software solutions
for process control

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Lean Customized Automation –
individuelle Lösungen von
LCA Automation AG
Drei Männer mit Sicherheitshelmen schieben ein Anlagemodul durch einen Industrieraum.
LCA Automation
neu Teil der
SHL Advantec

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Spezifisch entwickelte
Bearbeitungs- und

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zur Steuerung von
Anlagen und Systemen

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Your specialist for
Lean Customized Automation

LCA Automation AG has been developing and building custom built machines, test benches and assembly lines since 1972.

Our production systems are state of the art and innovative, whilst offering highest availability and reliability. We are proud to deliver turnkey systems to customers serving successful key markets. They can rely on us for service, spare parts management and future development of their production equipment.

We permanently monitor the relevant innovations and technologies and employ them to your benefit.
We honor the value of our skilled workforce by executing an apprenticeship program that is enshrined in our corporate strategy.

Discover in our image film what LCA Automation AG specializes in.

Years of experience
Machines worldwide
Weltkarte mit dem LCA-Hauptsitz in der Schweiz und den Service-Aussenstellen in Mexiko und China.
Over 70 employees in Switzerland, China,
and Mexico – LCA Automation is your partner
from project planning to maintenance.
LCA Automation AG and the food and beverage industry
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We automate
your process!
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Zahnrad Automatisierung
Vacancies at LCA
Automation AG
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